Rooster inc.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Moose2, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. Only I don't have any accounts in AWP, nice V fan theory tho, I know how you are my biggest fan. Always stalking and fantasising about my
  2. the two accts that were named monkey_poo were renamed and are in this clan now. Roni you can't even stalk properly  ..if I was active on any acct named monkey_poo in the last two weeks (or for that matter the last 3 months) show us some SS lol
  3. awp eruption its all in your head. i think you are a moron

  4. I KNOW you're an idiot 

  5. lolol what I'm supposed to be keeping up with this   ...none of my business and IDC
  6. But again can you go seek attention elsewhere? This thread is about moose and roosters inc. Not Roni and whoever she is stalking now.

  7. BAHAHA!! ...that's not my acct dummy never even heard of it till now can't even stalk properly. EE??? LOLOLOL I haven't done EE in over 2 years 
  8. V is right stop derailing lol 
  9. monkeythrowingpoo owner was devildewf a week ago its sold on. you was deffinantly active on it in ee wars. do quit your lies todd.
  10. v its not about you either. and todd spoke my name . and yes it is my drama because cassowray declared osw on us because hes annihiltion family.
  11. Stop killing my braincells and writing crap on the forums roni
  12. LOLOLOL ...Todd EE?  I DO NOT EE Roni IT IS NOT MY ACCT lolol ....and what I'm selling accts now? False accusations are against TOU. What you want to get banned again? 
  13. How did I do in EE by the way? Did I win? 
  14. You have mentioned selling accts not roni js.
  15. todd you seem to forget you put a comment on crystalees wall detailling all your accounts. you wrote it from monkeypoo. its deffinantly you. and -easy- .cassowray seems to think hes hardcore and trys muscle into things so this is just it back fireing on him . he stated im skinnyminny when im not . he declared war on donricos clan and tsc because rooster inc are annihilation family. so karma always gets you before you can put your threats into action lol
  16. and annihilation attacked my clan of russian shadows threatening osw on them . cassowray yet again was trying to butt into it supporting anihilation. so really know the bigger picture and back history before u try tell others to shut up.

  17. read her posts she mentions it 1st plus my mentioning of it is not accusing her of selling accts it's in defense of me NOT selling accts ...js
  18. So this thread has gone way off topic...
  19. lol you really are crazy  why would I list all my accts to Crystalee? And on her wall no less?? ...there would be ZERO reason for me to do that . I'm not at odds with Apoc/HiT but we're CERTAINLY not friendly or in cahoots in any way lol
  20. ...Roni you will NEVER find out what my other accts are, other then the MTLB and monkey_poo accts without me telling you.  NOONE KNOWS LOL (well maybe devs know lol) 