Lolol I was already making comments on this thread long before you came along ...think you're talking about yourself. Don't project your neurotic behavior on me loser. Go to therapy and get it worked out
I am a little lonely right now but it's because your moms not giving me much conversation at the moment. Seems to be something stuck in her throat. Maybe the pool guy can fish it out. ....he's way way at the back of the line though. Too far away to hear me yell at him.
Oh God you're still stupid? ...lolol if you're trying to win a battle of wits you need to arm yourself properly. Coming to a gun fight with a knife.
lol I'm only responding to all your stupid (and very lame) insults. I guess your weak ego had to get the last word in .. You can have it. I'm going to bed now ...GEE I guess you win huh? (Idiot)
He meant he is "farming" eagle.. another mod. Knowing Todd his "farming" is just as much a figment of his imagination as a flying pig. Todd is special. U gotta learn to speak dumb to get what he is saying
todd since your " fishing trip " lots has happened .you need stop talking about things that you know nothing about . tsc are in osw against annihilation .which cassowray decided to try muscle in also . but nothing from him also .it seems moose has kept him busy
lol why Is it so shocking to you morons that I actually have an RL and will take a break from KAW for weeks, months at a time? ...don't you have some hungry naked kids to feed Roni?
todd you wasnt even away from kaw .you was active on your monkeypoo account instead doing ee wars . and your insults are so childish and pathetic.
knew when i speak that -V- aka AWP eruption wouldnt be too far behind . yet again v this is my drama which your nothing to do with. so go and amuse yourself with your own stupidity and stop trying to hog your way into everything . as i sayd to todd your out of the loop . so go and enquire whats been going on first.then fill in the dots then mind your own buisness.
Too far behind? Maybe go look back at who posted on the thread first, now again go seek your attention elsewhere.
actually its you who needs do your research .go and read IIlIIlGIlIRllllIllllMIlMIIlIil of rpl wall .the cassowray comment .then delve deeper and youll know this has been my story for weeks. -V- another leech who trys to muscle into things to give him self something to do . just like he butted into the commanders of fate drama with Fury . and v you need work harder on getting awp back up and running because i know this is your reason for re opening it. get lots new members so then bamm you make it into cof family .so you got more people to hit Fury. see your so sly n cunning and that is the bigger picture .