Eh.."he never made his clan a thing"? Meaning like, successful? Sounds like hes playing to have fun. I dont know him so.. But hes not here typing up what reads like a break up letter either... If you'll indulge us, what were you expecting of him as a clan leader? Ive read cass's posts on forums and wc. Id assume you had also before joining his clan, but you seem surprised by what you observed while there. Maybe its just me, but it seems like you could of figured out his clan wasn't a good fit for you but instead here you are, spilling your feelings about him in forums.
Cassowary. I've already gotten several people to leave your clan. Just pull my name off your clan wall and it will end.
He looks like one of those Noob farmers who want it to end but don't want to look like they've lost so say nooby stuff like that.
Moose has trolled you. Like he cares if his stuck in pin. His achieved his goal already. While your pinning him that's 25% of your troops/spies gone.. His laughing at you right now I bet