Roman Praetorian Legion

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by KrabsOnSecurity, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. Support to my mercs<3
  2. Khan always plays nice  must have forgot what I taught him 
  3. Like always my full support
  4. Summoner unlock in RPL approx start time will be:
    7:00 Pacific
    9:00 Central
    10:00 Eastern
    15:00 UK
    16:00 Amsterdam/Stocholm
    23:00 SGT/AWST
    2:00 AEDT

    Come check us out. :)
  5. Worst thread. 0|10
    Because AcidSniper
  6. Nah I don't. They just never hit back :(
  7. Question, if I may.

    How does this make logical sense? There are only two praetors per given legion. Having a legion with a greater number or a legion of just praetors is against the roman code. Please do explain. :|
  8. i think you forget this is a game?
  9. Lol . Mercs Legion
  10. Support, good group of fellas and gals.
  11. Yep its just a game. Have with it.
  12. I'm almost positive that this is real life.... I eat crystals to replenish myself..... soo.....
  13. No support cause ur a noob. ;)
  14. Happy New Year from rpl Mercs!!! Hope everyone has a great 2015!!! :)
  15. You romans are so mean to me :(
  16. I wouldn't pick back unless I liked you. ;)
  17. RPL iz da best