Separate names with a comma.
Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by KrabsOnSecurity, Dec 8, 2014.
be nice :lol:
Good job on the thread, rpl is a great merc clan keep it up
I just haven't heard of them before so I was confused. I thought it was an Rp clan. #koalaRpForLife
Looks good acid. Much support.
What about Panda's?
Play nicely khan lol Support good clan ️
Fine. I'll play nicely
Not bad OP, not bad. Best of luck in future mate.
Is the role play any good in this clan?
Support to my old family
You always play nice. I miss my love taps.
No, I've only been to rpl once or twice.
Nice thread acid.
Nice work acid on fourm ;-) and i want to merc lol
Ill give you love taps lol
Nicely done. Not perfect but wayyyyyy above the current par in forums.
Full support!
Weren't you in roman centurians for a while with me.
I'm still confused with this Train stuff and helpwall and stuff.