Robin Hood Thread Recap

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 28, 2013.

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  1. It is definetly worse that a player resets to meet cf terms than just resigning moderatorship. Waaay worse
  2. Read it again.

    It says ATA supporters not mods.
  3. No. You read my post. Stop twisting info head
  4. How am I twisting info?

    What does it say then?
  5. Then maybe mods should be exactly just that... ATA staff and NOT player/mods, solves the issues of them getting threatened and having to tuck their tails between their legs and run to ATA, many will see what ATA have said here as preferential treatment towards certain players because they're ATA staff when majority of kaw players deal with all kinds of threats daily.

    Can I be a mod? I don't like being farmed or threatened to reset... maybe being a mod will buy me a free pass also?
  6. [/quote]

    If thats how you feel do what you got to do, just dont be suprised when i hit back ;)
  7. Knight just FYI I'm not a statless alt, I have done a number of resets and well other things  this is my main account.
  8. If thats how you feel do what you got to do, just dont be suprised when i hit back ;)[/quote]

    what i'm trying to do is get clarification on what kaw_admin deems is a 'threat' that will lead to a player being suspended, a mod resigning after being threatened loses nothing other than mod privileges, a player resetting after being threatened to do so loses much much more.... so as I asked when I first posted, should the rest of the kaw players be ready to get suspended for threatening other players?

    This is still kingdoms at war right? threats will and have been made and wont stop anytime soon... or is this kingdoms of tap happy?
  9. The mods need to pull up their big girl pants and fight back. Seriously, did they have mom come to school when other kids picked on them when they were younger?

    And, for the record, the referenced terms of service don't support the threatened ban for telling a player you're going to farm them until they: leave a clan, post an apology thread or quit being a mod for that matter. Sorry, it just doesn't work.
  10. They only said that you cannot ask em to resign but you CAN attack em, strip em and stuff just dont tell em to resign because thats againts The rules
  11. Lol. Dod the people on here even read OP?
  12. So what I get from this is Mods can't be attacked or harassed personally by players but players can harass and personally attack other players with no repercussions on these forums? Also you can remove a thread that insults mods but won't do so when it insults other players?

    I'm sorry but you all need to stop being hypocrites. Moderators aren't to be treated with more respect or sympathy. They are players who simply check the community and follow ToU. Since when are they better than the rest of us?

    You preach fairness and equality then turn around and give moderators a veil of protection over something that takes place every single second in the game. Something that is NEVER enforced or at least from what I've seen, not to mention that you basically said moderators are more important than the entirety of your player base :lol:

    You guys are a joke.
  13. FF, you're missing a basic point: the game dev are inventing a new rule under the guise of interpreting an existing rule. People have been so-called threatened in KaW since it's inception. How many times has a player been threaten with farming until reset? If KaW wants to articulate a new rule, then be straightforward and say so: "hi folks, we want mods not to be threatened with retaliation solely because of things we do regarding the game so we have created the following rule..." It's the threat against the players for doing nothing wrong under the existing rule system that has people agitated even if they disagree with New Age's solution to the problem (and for the record, I don't agree with farming game mods to get the game changed).
  14. We are all wasting our breath on this thread.

    Devs will not respond.
  15. Censorship? Freedom of speech?


    "There is no such thing as speech that is free, you must pay for everything you say"
  16. @the mods farming issue. We used them as a way to grab the attention of community and more importantly devs. We had the thread ready weeks ago. And we posted now when we had the devs/community all over us wondering what the hell was going on. As you can see from all the feedback it worked! We wouldn't have gotten half the attention from devs as we do now. May not like the way we went about it but you can't deny the results
  17. Weeks ago? The only person I believe has things set up weeks ago and achieves such a spectacular result is iprophet. I think he got an entire clan to believe some LB player he didn't like was his main so that it could be stripped. That's a set up.
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