Robin Hood Thread Recap

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 28, 2013.

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  1. I hate when statless Alts come on forums and get mouthy and cocky. Grow a set and bring you're main or just back out gracefully.
  2. There is no reasoning with irrational people, English is not even my first language and I get it ... you definitely want to lock this tread. People don't read they just spew garbage.
    Re-read the threads worldwasher ...

  4. Yes but the ToU that those rules are about are geared towards ATA staff. That one line about As well as any player who exists in communities outside of the one you are in but is still falls within the ATA realm" can be read to mean that making those treats is against ToU. But, in this case, these rules are more about ATA staff (including mods). In this instance they are talking about telling a mod "I'll farm you until you quit being a mod."
  5. With that stats all you have invested in is propacks.
  6. On page 3, Gatinha makes very serious accusations against moderators. Are these accusations true? If KAW is going to exist their has to be fairness for everyone and Mods getting to use illegal items, is against the TOA and action need to be public and immediate. If you are interested in transparency, this needs to be first! This accusations have to be answered!
  7. Go get 'em KaW Admin. And for God's sake please make incessant whining against the ToU.
  8. that is not at all true. i have given ata hundreds of dollars for a game that is worth tens of dollars. please don't assume that everyone complaining is a freeloader. :roll:
  9. If that was at my post then ill make it a little clearer.

    Farm mods all you want.
    Strip them naked every day.
    That's how to play the game.

    But sitting their acting like you're actually going to accomplish something, or that ATA(or any business) should treat everyone equally wether or not they spend money, is silly. This game isn't here to make you happy. This game isn't here so that everyone can have a fair shot at having digital supremacy. It's here so the developers can become rich. That is the ONLY reason it exists. Making their players(customers or potential customers) happy is a smart move, but they don't have to.
    ATA has gone above and beyond most development teams in reaching out to the community. Hence KaW and their cute little side projects being so successful. Sucks you don't like the pay to play mentality, but welcome to the real world.

    I support New Age's strips.
    I don't support this "we're Robin Hood yo!" ********. If you don't like the game, or the mods, or the lack of action on the PVP, there's the door 

    But lets be honest, Twicc, Tornado, the've played waaaay to long to throw in the towel. I'm right there with ya. I don't like everything these days, but I just role with it
  10. This is the funniest thing iv ever seen in this game since that phyco mod went rogue about 2 years ago :p
  11. @Kaw_Admin , what a joke! The Devs are so one sided it's not even funny. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm taking this as the op and a few others are being "warned" with a treat of being banned from playing Kaw for a supposed "Threat" that was said in PM? I have an email from the Devs "Jodi" stating that they can't do anything about harassment, slander and other offences unless they are on a public forum. IE. Here.. on an individuals walls, or in WC. Sounds to me like a couple of mods "who are always favoring their friends" cried about being farmed. And because they are mods they get Kaw_Admin to fight their fight for them. "please don't let these mean kaw players farm me.." Suck it up mods and stop crying like a bunch of babies! When you have someone that slanders you and spreads vicious lies about your real life name on walls and in "pm" and the Devs do nothing then you can complain. Until then shut up and hit back! You wonder why people don't respect the Devs or the mods? SMH They can do what they want and the rest of us small fry players get silenced and banned.. it's disgusting. Kaw_Admin should be ashamed!
  12. did you just call me "worldwasher"? :|
  13. I find it sad and pathetic that the central cause of this is fully mature adults or claim to be. I also find it ironic that the people fighting for 'freedom' in kaw do so by enforcing there own image of the game upon people. But yeah KaW isn't pacman or zelda it can't survive by being solitary it has to change or its fan base will stay the same and it will never grow
  14. Hate to break realty to you bud but you are a stateless alt... :lol: spend thousands of imaginary dollar indeed! :lol:
  15. Nowhere in the original post does it say, we will farm anyone until they quit anything.

    Read the post before adding ingorance to this thread.

    The OP never threatened anyone with anything, it just stated what would happen. I have asked for an explanation from kaw admin about how I violated the ToS. They have been unable to provide one.

    They give me a warning without being to explain what I am being warned for. Makes it a bit hard to correct my behaviour for next time. Until I get some kind of explanation, nothing will change.
  16. a buisness that isn't innovative is a dead buisness, you have a right to asking for your own version of the game but would robin hood attack the guards wouldn't he hit the rich?
  17. Lmao Kaw admin had to address this issue cause it could hurt their bottom line....I love it and I love where this is going.
  18. I find hilarious how people talking about ToU as a "KaW constitution"... only because something its stated in ToU doesn't mean its legal to be enforced. Someone mentioned before the US Constitution... National laws are above any ToU, End User Agreement of any application. As example, if enforcing ToU its broking liberty of speech I guarantee the "victim" will win in any court in any country of civilized world. Even if devs are covered by ToU.
  19. Harassment goes on in this game everyday. I've seen forum mods borderline harass noobs on here plenty of times. Guess the rules only apply to the peons and all those who are involved with ATA are exempt. Stalin would be proud of your dictatorship.
  20. Tell you what I am going to get two weeks of vacation in December and I am going to spend that two weeks to grow into your size and we can talk boy to boy. :lol: Cause at that size you can't call us man :lol:
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