Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mayuri-Kurotsuchi, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. Grew quite a mouth? Noob, please I've been putting tap-tap button shiners in their place long before you grew an SoS (and bawls)

    Your name is Vanessa? I always thought you was a dude. It's the way you flex that E-Peen yaknow. Damn you a dude in a dress.

    Funtari just ain't my thing.

    Please do, sit and contemplate how you are nothing more then a fleeting moment of average in a sea of poorness and fail.
  2. ^ smells
  3. It's not fair to roxey me touching that, check wall.

    Also to be clear, Vanessa was a girl I knew.

    To be clear once again, there is no ill will towards anyone. This is a roast thread therefore we're merely keeping to the topic.

    But there are limits, recognise them.
  4. @kasama you're dumb as a ruck saying it's my first thread. Wrong sucks it's my second thread. First one was a fail like you, second I don't idolize the character but I do like his abilities and strange tendencies. And are you holding something in the closet? Prob that's why you don't like the ladies cuz your lil fella. Grow a pair and come back with better material
  5. @Mayuri

    Thinks he got flow because he owns the thread. The only thing he owns is his virginity
  6. Hell bound, not really from hell

    R O A S T E D
  7. Lmao

    Would motorboat trump
  8. Harambe got shot
  9. I can affirm this
  10. Harambe was jus a gorilla
  11. My names kasama and im kewl cuz i have 11010 posts huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
  12. Boiii, Imma get at chu. That 2 in your name lopsided asf.
  13. Look, we all have something to bring to this discussion. But I think from now on, the thing you should bring is silence m'kay :)

    We still love you tho ;) :D :D

  14. My names mad hatter and i think im better than you because i use a fancy font and big words huhhhh
  15. Thats stupendous!!! :D :D
    *Claps* Bravo! Bravo! Fantisimo!!

    He really does me very well. Fancy words down to a tee! I dont know how he does it :)

    You sir, are an artist. A pioneer!, honestly it was a brilliant performance and i couldn't have asked for more! ;)

    You have my saccharine adoration :D

  16. My name is mad hatter and I use sophisticated words to hide how many extra pairs chromosomes I have huuuuuuuuuuuuh
  17. ^is really nice and friendly
  18. ^ this guy might be a mango but can he do the tango? Or watch a Johnny Depp cgi of rango. Or have a dance off against wwe superstar fandango. Or just rotten off like the other unmentioned fruit who was never eaten or used in a smoothie. Boom