What can I say about Cyn that a dog's butt hasn't already? Nothing! Seriously though, I've heard this guy is pretty good, only to find out what he is alluding to....sweeping floors! You couldn't qualify a lead to save your life :lol:
Whenever you need to get away from all of the abuse you find yourself alone listening to Porcupine Tree - The Start of Something Beautiful.
You actually just have a full Porcupine Tree set of playlists for your full spectrum of emotions because you're a sensitive prog metalhead.
There's a reason cyn didn't post a full body pic. He's been eating too much of a certain type of cake. Whatever you do bro, Stay on kaw and stay outta trouble... You'd make a cellmate very happy. What's up with the guys that grow out long hair to make up for lack of length elsewhere? Good thing cyn is a great kaw warrior and good guy otherwise he wouldn't have much going for him.
Garbage threads are usually written by garbage players, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see one by Cynderella over here. I've seen... Better.. Stuff written by... She who shall not...be.. Named.. Seriously dude, you need to lay off the "holier than thou, I'm a legend in my own god damn mind" attitude, because you know what? You're antiquated. Over the hill. Ain't all that or a bag of chips brah. Nobody hits each other anymore, that ship sailed a long time ago. The sooner you start hitting those epic battles the sooner you can get those fairy wings and pink tutu to go with those godlilocks. Man.. You're a fairytale