Rise of the Minor Gods Presented by iWrite Co.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Kimber03 (01), Aug 12, 2010.

  1. Forgot about this story. For all my readers who still enjoy my story, this is important! I will postpone writing this story until further notice. After reading Rick Riordan's new book, 'The Lost Hero' I found too many similarities in my plot line. This doesn't mean that I'm going to stop writing it, but I will be spending most of my time on my other story 'Where Fear Lives.'
    -Goodbye for now!
    (Didn't mean to go all dramatic in the above note.)
  2. Good, you're continuing this story!
  3. Not really. I'm pretty absorbed into my other story (on chapter 17) I'm planning to write a new one, and I have science fair due in a week or so AND have to read three books for academic decathlon so I wouldn't say I'm continuing it, rather postponing it.
  4. Better than quitting!;)
  5. Wait, if your on chapter 17, why havent I read the chapters?
  6. I haven't posted my stories on here lately. I'm on chapter 17 for where fear lives.
  7. I'd like to read it