No, though I did quit for 3+ years. Almost free. And apologies, thought I saw something recently in a 3rd party app.
Because those that helped keep the game alive by funding ata, seeing them leave is never good. I never spoke with them but those I know that have said they were pretty A-ok in their book.
I know what you are referring too Galaxy I had a heated moment over something but wasn't mean game wide
I think RedStar deserved a better thread but meh, sad to see more leaving. Hope the rest of his days go well. Good luck red.
A lot of people have kept kaw alive with spending. From my perspective those two could of been hugely influential in helping the community by leveraging their spending to get ata to improve the game. They could of been a voice for the community on a myriad of threads such as yours to make the game experience better for everyone. Did they ever do that? Nope, not once and cella was a hoarder and hire hitter. So, eh, screw em.
You can buy a max of $300 in nob per day and can buy unlimited crystals per day. However, you can only use 24 crystals per day.
No one else sees what I see? OSW clans, watch your allies... Why sell now? Why right before news years, right after Teja strip? He has to have at least 2.4qt in allies or what ever was mentioned in the thread earlier, plus whatever he has in BB and SB.... Can you guys see a possible death strip here? #HappyNewYear
The behemoth is really taking a break.. Loveucella just a vacation.. It's just a transfer of balance, transfer of power..he could be a dev....
Who are we kidding? You all are talking about redstar spending but he really didn't. He would volley transfer gold from other people's accounts to his and grow.
He wouldn't like selling it as he wouldn't want some other person spoiling his hard earned name in kaw... Plus, he is too rich ( I guess ) and that's the reason he is on the he doesn't care about money..