Currently, the event page does not show the percentages indicated here on forums. When the rewards arrive however, you'll be given the stats shown here, for the piece of equipment earned.
My dudes the devs dont care what the community needed ir doesnt need...this just means participation was down with stupid boots as top prize ...thats all
We should get some % equip would be fun to choose if I want static stats but lower Or % based stats that are higher but will lower as your troop/spy Lvl goes down
Well that's rude. I had decided to ignore this event. Now I might actually have to pay attention to it. But nice move on pvp plunder bonus
When are we going to be able to start recycling this equipment for elements of our choosing? I'm running out of space for all this crap, and seeing as we cant regift it likes its Christmas, I feel this should have been addressed before tackling the clan role issue.. But hey what the hell do I know about anything? Nothing, that's what..
Personally I would be ticked if I sat all event out cause of dumb boots to have this change , with no chance of catching up ... Luckily I don't care about pvp plunder
Lol sweet. This'll help with a lot of us and percentage based boots will help since they grow right a long with us! And are there any info on when new clan roles will be implemented?
Thank u for listening, can you also increase the Rime token drop for the last event so that ppl can get their goals for ppl that miss their goal for last fews. Thanks u.