Rimelands Part 3 Reward Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. And this affects Pinioned boots how?
  2. Just give the whiners what they want and didn't have to work for....I'm very disappointed!
  3. Wut? - Ok Now Please Fix The Stats(adjust)

    S1,S2,S3,S4 and all Equip drops in The game... Really? You are just catering for The money after money events... Need to Update all equip in The game to adjust The balance
  4. Well honestly from a business point of view it was a smart move improving the rewards as for the majority of players the pinioned boots will be better. Most people had less drive to push for high tiers because of this. With the PvP % plunder boost it will help keep negate the difference by making them useful for something other than just stats.
    Devs win and players win. If you don't PvP you don't gain anything but you don't lose anything either. If you PvP then these will be a nice addition. Either way you look at it you don't lose out on anything so I don't get why everyone complains about everything.

    That's not going to happen honestly. They should release more war equipment to counteract the event rewards getting far stronger than war equipment but old equipment has been around for ages and has had it's time. We can't get a piece of equipment and expect it to be the best for ever.
  5. Could these boots actually replace the pinioed boots? You know if you hit top 100 or top 10?
  6. 2.7k posts Grats Kaw!
  7. lock, lack of effort. normal greed inspired posting.

  8. Wow... Had I known the rewards wouldn't have been as crappy more than half way through the event I'd have chased top 100... Now it too far off. Great idea but terribly planned.... Again
  9. People got what they wanted now dozens of people whining about it? Stupid...
  10. i love all shoe equips as you can never have enough shoes ~ tho the gold 10% confuses me... is that gold heels under the boots or 10% overal gold you see on your profileequip page??...
  11. ^ Confused me too
  12. Good change 
  13. Will the boots require mith to enchant like the other PvP equip?
  14. Thanks for telling me now, after I quit the event.
  15. I have the Pinioned boots, earned the old school way....I hope the whiners have to pay thru the nose for the privilege!
  16. I have the pinioned boots earned the old school way, hope you folks have to pay thru the nose for the privilege! No special gifts to help me "bridge the gap" work for it people!
  17. So only top 100 and beyond boots get a gold bonus?
  18. They all get a bonus.
  19. And you payed for the rest