
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ProviingAPoint, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. A house has four walls. All of the walls are facing south, and a bear is circling the house. What color is the bear?
  2. White?
  3. The correct answer is white, as the house is on the north pole! :)

    Which eight-letter word still remains a word after removing each letter from it, one at a time?
  4. Starting.


    I have another eight letter riddle for ya! :p

    What eight letter word contains only a letter?
  5. aaaaaaaa
  6. Envelope ..ah damn already been answered :c

    Anyways; um what did the sea say to the sand?

  7. A mountain. Also a Hobbit reference.

  8. High tide.
  9. I know the real answer is, nothing. He just waved. Lol that one is so old. I prefer the answer: y u always so salt? Kek

    Okay here's one. What moderates hot and cold but changes it's direction with the changing of the season?

    Look that one up online you cheaters! I bet you can't find it cuz I just made it up!
  10. Thermostat?
  11. Close, but nope
  12. Do you mean "close" as in, it's got something to do with a thermostat. Or, "close" as in, it was a good guess?

    If it is the former then...

    The A.C. unit?
  13. I cannot divulge that information, it would lead to an easy answer.

    Keep guessing though! I shall give another riddle in the mean time.

    I need things to abound to exist, in fact I grow stronger as more things are around, sadly I wither and die when there is nothing. What am I?

    (I know there are likely many answers to this but I am looking for one answer in particular)
  14. Land?
  15. I've already guessed your first question twice. I will have to think about it a little more before answering it or my answers will just get wilder. As for the second one....

    A mess?
  16. Man your guesses are spot on clever but sadly never right :'(
  17. The more you have of me, the less you weigh.
  18. @pestilence, earth's tilt and tree