Here's a good one 500 begins it 500 ends it 5 in the middle is seen The first of all letters The first of all figures, take up their stations between Put all together and you will bring before you the name of an eminent king Who is it?
There's so much stuff that tastes better than it smells. Ones on a chick and I can't say it or I'll get silenced. Chitlins. Lobster. Oysters. Mainly all seafood. Lol
Do me wrong, and I'll make you cry, On and on with the middle eye, Some like me, others are fickle, be warned, this riddle can be a pickle!
There's still one here.... Next time look at the last riddle before posting pls we'll get confuse here..... But we can still solve both just don't post again without the other finished. DCDVA0? That's hard....
On and on with the middle eye. this will probably give it away, but is the best line to try and solve....