Richer clan structure

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Moose2, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. 110% support
  2. Support.

    This gives owners a chance to reward players, but maintain control of the clan. Sometimes you need an admin from a certain tz to start ebs, but you may be unsure of whether they are able to handle responsibilities that include the ability to ff or kick. Being able to silence can help owners hold their cc to a certain standard, esp if they happen to know they have a younger clan base. I think its great all around.
  3. SUPPORT MOOSE #supportmoose
  4. YES!! This definitely needs to be implemented, come on programmers of kaw land get with the program. It's 2014
  5. No support to the bump.
  6. The ability for admin and higher positions to send a clan wide message would also be quite helpful
  7. For those of us stuck in lower level clans, I would really enjoy some perks. Even if its something like a player of the week award or something
  8. Full support great idea moose
  9. Full support.
    It will give players something to earn from clan members and a better way to test people out
  10. Great ideas moose, fully support your ideas on this. Ill agree with the poster saying the owner/coowner colors should be able to be toggled.
  11. Support moose. Love the idea
  12. Ok, I want awards for being a clan admin of owner, etc. I think they should get something, whether it be more gold from ebs or monthly mith. Some perks need to be awarded.

    Don't tell me that a good clan alone is enough of a incentive. People who work hard in clans like admins need to be rewarded more than the average joe. In my opinion, this game is pointless otherwise.
  13. Fully support all of this! My alts clan has been having major issues with the owner/admin and these will help out with these issues a lot!
  14. This is a great idea.
  15. Great Idea Moose....

    Also, another thought, what about making each clan be able to add personalized structure positions for members (for your military positions)? Meaning they would be able to create their own names for it:
    (just spit-balled crazy ideas from Udder Madness that I just came up with)
    Mad Udder
    Crazy Udder
    Massive Udder
    1% Skim Fat
    2% Low Fat
    D - Calcium
