Richer clan structure

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Moose2, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Very aware... That's kinda the point.
  2. Albeit the silence in cc is a good idea, You would exploit it by leaving then coming straight back in so its lifted so maybe to stop it you could make it that if your silenced you are unable to leave the clan you got silenced in
  3. This post was two years ago, get on it.
  4. This should have been done a long time ago. But nice idea Moose :))
  5. If an admin silences a player, and that player decides to leave the clan, it's the admins decision weather or not to let that player back in, so, I don't really see that as an exploit
  6. In short, the devs won't make money on this, so I'd doubt they would bother
  7. Yayyyyyy plz do
  8. Another admin could let him back in
  9. In a clan that's even moderately decent, the admins will be on the SAMe page
  10. Okey fair enough wont argue anymore the whole thing is still a class idea
  11. 2 years old lol.

    Anyway, great idea.
  12. Support said they wanted some links of where devs said they would impliment this stuff. I thought it was in the thread where smithing came or something like that... Can't find any. If you can or know of any please share.
  13. 2 years old and still hasn't been implemented. But then again who expects devs to create a richer game structure and push their programmers harder? But they will spend that time on ebs that cost money to run. But that's no surprise.
  14. I've never underarood why the devs cannot do both. Make a new pay for play EB (done) and provide the player base with a richer kaw experience in their clans. (Waiting).
    Support for the idea clearly exists.
  15. I'd guess that because developers can use their resources to either A. Make and run new events or B. Create long awaited player requested updates.
    Why would they do the second option when they can make so much more money off of events?
  16. The events are getting old really, before events and with the suggestion i envisioned them being a little rare.. Perhaps only four times a year. But now it seems as if they are one after another. They really need to slow that down a lot and focus on other parts of the game. For example, clans.
  17. I play several games on my iPad, and one that has my attention at the moment has the perfect t schedule for Special events.

    In this game, you crawl around dungeons to get better armor and weapons.
    Once a month they have "wanted challenges". If you pay gobs of cash, you can get really good stuff. It's too rich for my blood, so I leave that event for the whales to play with

    Next, they have 4 "celebrations" per year that offer a rare chance at the best stuff in the game. Each celebration lasts only 3 days, so I don't get fatigued. What if I miss my quarterly event? Tough crap. Wait 3 months and see what else comes up.

    The cycle of events there seems pretty good to me
  18. Since wars(clans) are slowly becoming pointless, why not make an eb channel/hub where all player can join (by eb tier) and wouldn't have to depend on the clans who have unlocked them (eb).. Transform a clan into a war-hub, not an eb center.. So every player can enjoy both war and eb without having troubles of creating drama.. Errr, can i mention an old fb-game here? Coz that game has stamina and energy options in it.. Make a clan the aesthetic, pride of members.
  19. Support this is something I would like to see and would help give more options to players