
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Noodle, Sep 28, 2015.

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  1. Thank you all so much for the support! Keep it coming!
  2. I support noodehls three kids
  3. Child support.
  4. No support
  5. Im mad I didn't get my free 50!!!! :evil:
  6. Noodehl open to steal
  8. I heard Noodehls mom was handing out all kinds of rewards behind the local Dunkin donuts..

    That's just what I heard..
  9. Wait! Rewards are already out!? The event just ended! That's too quick devs-you suck!! 
  10. You spell my name wrong? 
  11. thank you mr repairman
  12. No support, deez nubs (ha goteem) need to be contained not shown off in kawrums :^)
  13. Noodehl stop bumping into the trash can.
  14. Got much mith left?
  15. You can always wall me....and no
  16. Lol I notice he's had that spell on for a week now 
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