Reward pots and bronze bars instead of useless scrolls

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Savuti, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. For those who have enchanted equipment from the Scrag the Bloodless eb's, if we receive a scroll drop the scroll is useless since we already have the equipment enchanted. The eb should drop pots, bronze bars, aqua and inferno in place of scrolls if the user already has the equip enchanted.
  2. Funny. Cuz the new 'war' strategy is to NOT HAVE POTS
    so the payout to the enemy is a lot less

    This was the devs way of making the act if hitting inactive accounts less desirable to hit
    Caulk up another fail
  3. The equip enchanted is useless too. Lol
  4. Same with mage, bbs much better or let us sell em
  5. OP has a point though. Other EBs give a chance to get BB's, aqua and inferno if you already have the equipment it drops. Like FOD and ToC. They drop around a good amount of BB's for having the equipment (though it's only a chance you'll get it).

    I'd like to see this in the Scrag EB's too.
  6. Or a way to just hand them over to me lol
  7. Agreed.