Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Thank you I don't like the sword either
  2. Or do you just say that to everyone-.-

    Also I have a dark personality
  3. No, nerfing is lowering the power of something.

    A sword that splits into 17... Kinda ridiculous
  4. Crud I ment to put 7-.-
  5. Hey toss the sword and give me a "black hole" scythe thingymobober I can open a black hole if I get to suck the power from a mod :D
  6. That's kinda op too...
  7. No... No mod-power draining. I'll put something in.
  8. It's a start for a next joke-./
  9. It was a joke that the mods would claim it's "god"modding -.-
  10. That OPs it MORE lol
  11. -.- i only need a scythe
  12. Hey Cheese, when is the new chapter?
  13. Ok, you can keep the scythe.

    I'll make it have a different backstory.
  14. Thank you-.-
  15. I'm gonna post it as soon as a mod delete's Beaver's post...
  16. Did you try asking Colonial?
  17. I did, I asked Colonial, Benny, I think Abyssus...


    That's the one who posted