Your entire roster are war runners. I can name some more. That's just the scattered remains of the dust which was once metallic knights. Is this a merge? Why don't you tell the people the truth, u spent all this time making a thread lol. The PEOPLE WANT THE TRUTH!! that's when I come in
Rotfl. Its the same guy. Lmao running. They merged too. I don't understand. U guys could've built metallic knights back up or dds but instead they chose to attempt mergers with every clan in kaw. and lost all their members. Well the good loyal ones* This is the group that genacide is calling warriors.
L......o......L... 1: 100 clans 'that r better than yours' have said that same cf apology forum thing. U all reading the same manual? 2:how long will you tell people you will protect them while being the EXACT SAME REASON they r getting hit in the first place??? If u answer this question I will give u free noob-ility points. I am very curious about this protection. Its the same war runners that ran from metal knights... . .
Again I must reiterate, is it running from a war when you're still fighting? No it isn't. They are not war runners. They continuously strip and whack you. Your delusions are comedy. Max and gang are nothing but a few jokers that need attention. You are trying to make names for yourselves where there are none to be made. You're just a group of three trolls that came our from under the bridge to stir the pot. Clearly you already know the CF terms; although I don't see you requesting a CF. Just like those before you, you'll grow bored of being pinned 24/7, you'll grow bored of not being able to progress and you'll give up. Maybe buy a new account or move on. Of course that's until you get the sudden urge to be a virtual bully again. You'll come back, talk trash. Yet you won't actually hit! (I still haven't received inc..) I do not want to make inferences about your very sad life, and your blatant inability to become a logical member of society whom doesn't feel the need to lie about every last thing. I won't make any comments about Max and his absurd activity that could only be the result of a third-party program or addiction of some sort. All you guys do is hate, and spew lies. It's sickening. It's a sickening way to live. It's actually stressful to be that hateful, posses that much arrogance and spread that many lies. I promise you, if ya spent a little more time enjoying the world, you wouldn't feel the need to build your ego so big on a virtual tap-tap game.
Max, u didn't add hillendrocky. He also ran from metal knights. Genacide, your entire roster is made up of war runners. Was a very nice HYPOCRITE speech, BUT, the hatred is in YOUR CLAN NOW. And who wars n make recruiting threads in FORUMS at same time? Answer: THE MOST COWARDLY OF MEN. enjoy your pathetic war running clan and I also support your recruiting of war running noobs. While u defend them, they don't even defend themselves. they know the truth n can only make up stories behind the scenes to gullible pathetic losers such as yourself. I DO NOT SUPPORT COWARDLY RECRUITMENT THREADS DURING WAR.once again, your ENTIRE ROSTER ARE WAR RUNNERS. Take a look. This is the most embarrassing thread ever made, written by cowardly war running noobs. Hey btw, Hires r not strips. They r hires.
/lock Ignorance and arrogance has derailed my attempt at growing a good clan. No reason to play hee-haw with the you know what gang any longer. Side note: Just like MacArthur promised; I will be back! With a bigger, and better recruitment thread. And these whackos will be gone!