This thread is for people who've never done a real war. Please stay off this thread, its only for us make pretenders that have to beg help from other clans to fight one person. We r begging here. Please help. Please. Help me. We don't stand a chance in any fight. --resolution-- baby! we will recruit only butthurt members that have been traumatized by The man himself. MaX-Damages. We r forming a support group since we have ZERO SKILLS. Stay off this thread unless you have been victimized.
MAX no one died n left you boss. Your nothing more than a moron attacking people to blow up your own ego. Heads up Max. Get over yourself. Get a life and stop bulling people.
I don't know about recruitment...... but if you want entertainment, this thread is an enjoyable read.
This clan is a joke. This thread must be a joke too. These r war runners. Mad max was banned for telling the truth about members joining and getting stripped. How do u get banned for telling the truth?
This clan is a joke. This thread must be a joke too. These r war runners. Mad max was banned for telling the truth about members joining and getting stripped. How do u get banned for telling the truth?
Haha didn't notice all the trash they have been talking! It's comical. We are not war runners, we are a tight-knit family that stands up for the integrity of our members. Especially when it is challenged by a delusional trio of liars. Max is stripped every day multiple times, your trio is always pinned. You guys are not OSW warriors or legends. You are big mouthed bullies that aren't even big enough to be bullies. Stay off of this thread with your lies. I will GLADLY fact check and bust all of them.
Side note: While you ran your mouths and spewed garbage, I pinned your whole roster without receiving but one hit from Max which failed. Still haven't seen y'all in my NF! I also played a role in rallying hundreds of great members of the community against your trio. Formed new alliances for my clan and had a new influx of recruits. All because of the outrageous antics you clowns partake in. It's truly comedy. # of revolution members stripped to date by The Three stooges: ZERO
Support to a great clan full of true warriors, I had the honour to fight along these people, the leadership is a little iffy but their members make up for it and then some, all of whom I still consider family Live long and prosper