Like Fanged said, I don't have to put veryone in. Eventually, Ill reach the limit where I can't handle all the characters, so I might leave some people out.
I had to rewrite the whole thing because of that stupid Login thing. It's not as good as it should be.... Btw, atophiswarchtower is atop his watchtower.
Oh ****. Damnit, GAME, you were in the earlier version. When I rewrote it, I forgot that part.... DAMNIT
Probably the next one, but I have to find a way to smoothly incorporate the character into the story. AKA: I have to come up with a good entrance for the character, otherwise it'll seem like he just randomly appeared.
Idk lol. Anyways... I'm not writing a part for a few days because Im updating and fixing my phone software-wise, so that I am prepared to give it to my sister when I get mag new iPhone 4.