Eventually, everyone who applies will be in the story. All you have to do is say you want in. Just for fun, Slayer will be a troll
Pretty much. Taylor, just post your personality. A bland character is bad, a fake character is even worse. Or something like that. So... Smighter - wants to be the best, tryhard Taylor - post the personality
Personality: Shy unless his name or his friends names come up. Motto is a good defense is the best offense. That explains him... By shy unless his name/friends names come up I mean he doesnt talk unless someone asks him to or someone insults him or his friends.
(girl) tough, won't take no as an anwser,loves to battle. Bust she has her ways of being sneaky. (lol, not good at detail)
Re-entry lol weapon: revolver and brass knuckles personality: a tough guy that also jokes around a lot (ex. Pranks)
I'm gonna post a new chapter soon. Should I put Outdoortoast in it? Wall him for me and ask, plz. Too lazy to ask myself. Lol
NO CHAPTER TODAY - There are currently no mods AT ALL to make sure that people don't post innapropriate things. There has been a Blue Waffle on THREE forums today. I won't risk the story having one posted.