I think some people focus on you too much fiddy dear. Maybe you should stop wearing that catnip perfume.
Several, I believe OP asked you to leave with the ToU given as back up reasoning. Please do so. Thanks.
I've been on topic since my first post. Delete the SS of you insulting Slayerbob and stop prancing around forums correcting others' grammar. Confess that you're not a Ph.D - holding Nuclear Engineer, and I promise to leave you alone forever.
The topic of this thread is helping new people and providing helpful tips for fiddler. Not insult her, or demand things.
Several your previous name was more accurate you are certainly 'touched'. Give it up you are stuck in an infinite loop. Reboot or shut down or something. Geez Louise.
Serveral, if the owner of a thread asks you to leave you must leave, if you keep posting within this thread you are violating Terms of services and the code of conduct, so I would suggest you don't post again if you want a forum ban?
Fiddler jokes around to her closest friends on this game, if you have a problem with her take it to PM not on forums
Several, I know the rules within this game, if a owner of a thread asks you to leave you must do so or you will suffer what you are coming to It's just a friendly reminder