Actually, as I am only restating what she has previously said, she wouldn't need to respond because she previously answered your comments already. Is there anything else you would like restated today? Or are you done attempting, and failing, to troll this thread?
If I was trolling, it would have been an epic 2-page win. But my concerns are legitimate, and they have have not, and cannot, be addressed by you.
I'm simply restating her words. So, in case you missed MY point, she has answered these concerns already. Now, what else would you like restated? Because I strongly belief your concerns HAVE been addressed, so I am curious of your role here.
@Several, after reading the last few pages of arguments, it would appear to me the only thing you're concerned with is how someone "with a PhD" can make so many grammatical errors. You are not concerned about anything other than attempting to criticize Fiddy. Such as been your argument in several of your posts.
@Drgn I have answered that as well. I did not fix grammar but the ones Microsoft Word caught. This is what I fixed and added: spelling Minor grammar changes (as stated above) Added photos Added a Table of Contents I have stated I did not write this thread but I did however write the section called "Epic Battle Drop", and I will be writing the Red Paladin section.
Frankly, for a new player's handbook youre adding way too much imo. Also, Deni, I wouldnt count the new changes "revisions". Images arent particularly needed, whoever is reading can explore the different bits for themselves. Contents, meh. Bob could have added that. As for grammar and small sentence structure issues, really? Thats just being plain pedantic and over the top. From my point of view anyways.
:lol: I love this thread! Forumland FTW! When Slayer put this out everyone was "Wow Bob, you're the best". Now, apparently to many, it's a pile of poop! Pinky popped in just to laugh at Forumlands fickle nature. Deni has returned in full force as Fiddlers PR manager. Now awaiting her next thread serving as a Press release to amend any damage done to Fiddler through this thread. Ex-Mod Benny jumps in with some moddy input just to be moddy, proving he's still all over it. Prospective mods stayed true to form; Señorita - supportive but critical, critical yet supportive. Critically supportive (??) Always striving to be seen as fair. Drgnblade - cutting straight through the bulldust and calling it as he see's it, which as always seems to be on the money. On that note, we also have (new comer??) Several on here working overtime to try and secure the next "Attention whore" trophy. Good luck with that Several, great start! :lol: And me of coarse, selfishly here just to amuse myself whilst offering nothing. :mrgreen: There was also a guide I've read before.. :shock:
I agree with Señorita, this guide has gone from a brief introduction into an unabridged all-encompassing guide. I'm a fan of Slayerbob's Index of Important Threads. I still show new players that thread when I introduce them to the forum. The rest is pretty much self-explanatory or redundant. I'm not sure that newbs will understand everything in one go. To make matters worse, you have a penchant to write colloquially instead of informatively. Not only does that add more superfluous reading material but it makes the guide seem less credible (IMHO). Nice effort, I see that youre getting better, but your try hard is showing.
For those who cant see through a name change, Several is not new. He has been on forums for quite a while now.
:lol: I don't pay enough attention to notice name changes. Thats all you need to do to fool me. Remember this if I ever start stalking you.
I got tired of all the pervs trying to contact me. I used to be known as Touch_Me. Little did I know this game is full of pedos and perverts who misunderstood my name, thinking I was looking for *ahem* something other than war...
Be that as it may, I've seen Fibbler on Grammar Nazi patrol on other threads. I seriously doubt Fibbler is "j/k."
Seems to be in a joking manner. But then again, "Unless you are an alt, you can't speak for her". Your words, practice it.