Whether I'd recognize one or not is irrelevant. I'm asking if you've got anything unique to contribute, dingus. Clearly you don't.
Is there an insult? No, not really. You can press the point but it won't mean anything to anyone. I don't know why you are attacking fiddler over something like this. Make a thread and attack her over some of the more hypocritical things she's done but here is not the place.
Several for going off topic as owner of thread kindly asking you to leave I've seen this many times trust me.
It's not even close to personal. IDK the first thing about Fibbler. All I know is that this thread contains insults toward a person I respect and copied material.
What are bringing to the table? You are a one trick pony. All you know how to be is obstinate. You are a contrarian for the sake of being contrary. You are trying to be a bully and failing. All you are showing is that you're a low class, cyber bully wannabe with mommy issues. Medication does wonders these: check into it.
Well, if you read the screen shot, you'd see the go for it as said by slayerbob. If you want confirmation as to whether he is offended, wall him or pm Jim.
Ok. I'll say this for what? The forth time maybe? 1. She gives credit to slayerbob near the top. 2. It's a JOKE. Ever heard of it? Probably not.
Where have you spammed? You've said basically the same thing over and over. "Fibbler is insulting someone I respect and copying his work" or something along those lines. Pretty sure that's spam.
Dingus, Way to contribute zero to the legitimate issues I've brought forward. You're attempt to make this personal by making inflammatory comments is a borderline ToU violation. I suggest you choose your words carefully going forward. Remember, everything you post is permanent record.
Several - you're laughing at "Fiddler Fangirls" but your main objection now seems to be that she insulted SlayerBob. You've now been on this thread for 20 pages defending his honor. You little SlayerBob FanGirl! :lol: