I'd like to see a screenshot of an attack over 15mil. That's the highest I've seen evidence of and it was Wilson58 attacking Majesty. The extreme diff in ally strength caused the higher return. An LB player would actually make less b/c they would be closer in strength to the defender. Being stronger = less money. As for drop volleys: it's done but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. If u consider the amt invested vs the amt received, it would make much more sense to transfer funds via ally volleys instead where the giver keeps (or drops) the vollied ally & the reciever just keeps the profit from sales.
Are you saying 1 attack + 1 spy steal = 1 hit? Even so, I'm not sure that 20 mil can be made. I'd like to see a screenshot if someone can. Heck, I'd even like to see a screenshot if anyone can spy steal over 10 mil.