revenge is a dish best served in bronze

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SkinnyMinny, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. Crumbs on the table
  2. AAAAAANDDDDD Norma please use your adult insults. Everyone here knows that salty is your alt. Please stick to one account. Posting with all your alts shows just how desperate you truly are!!!You aren't fooling anyone. However, I love your fails!
  3. Shhhh. Storm in heaven. Hush now. Even nero had enough dignity not to whine, as I showed him the same courtesy not to whine.

    Now your turn has come. Show some spine and don't cry. Don't whine to your clan. Don't whine to my clan.

    Just keep it in the news. Real quiet. Just between us. Shhhh

    Can you do that? Are you capable? Or are you just another big mouth forum warrior?
  4. Everyone but me storm u chump
  5. Yes. Salty is my alt . That's new. Actually salty is my friend. But you believe what you like.

    Like I said. Hush now, and let's just keep this between us. Can you do that? Can you not cry for a day, a week. a month? We will see
  6. Again you are proving my point sweet cheeks. Laughing at you is far from whining. I love how you try to spin lies like anyone gives you any credibility. Keep acting tough small fry. It only shoes your true desperation. Btw why cry to anyone. The best you have is fails. I love how you get so mad when anyone disagrees with you! My newsfeed welcomes your epic failure.
  7. Whom? Me? U sure u want me to visit ur nf?
  8. The more you talk, the more she talks. The more we ignore, the likelier the possibility she will shut the **** up.
  9. No storm in heaven. You didn't disagree with me. You insulted me for no reason. There is a big difference. Then you went on to cry that my clan and yours is part of the oldest alliance. To save yourself being hit.

    Just hush. Keep it in the news. Keep it between us. Because now you being hit.
  10. Lopaiden is correct
  11. I remember when I kicked lopaidon's ass. Ahhh good times
  12. I love you Long time
  13. Saltyfeet. You are a cowardly spy. Bring out your main and we will talk.
  14. Like I said ....keep the FAILS coming you little stain
  15. He remembers!!!!!!
  16. Just hush stormy baby everything will be ok daddy's here. Shh shh shh hush now. 
  17. Two wrongs dont always make a right. But that is just terrible, good job. Keep farmin his ass, show him the butt hurt!
  18. I remember the scout bombs yes. Made me chuckle. You are supposed to assas you ******* idiot.
  19. Lopaidon  long time no see ️
  20. Bahahaha yeeees!!!! He totally remembers my ass kicking