Lopaiden. Could you please leave this thread. You have become so sad and pathetic, that I cringe whenever I see your name now. Poor lop. Poor funny little lop. Nero was and still is a 15 mil cs player when he decided to try and make me do as he says. Ask him yourself. Morons like Wolfie who claim 90 days." We may have been of equal size. Idiot. If you read the thread. I already explained. He was and still is a 15 mil cs. If you think their are are holes in my story Wolfie. Don't read it. Don't comment. Don't bother. Moron.
Lol. Me sad and pathetic? That's funny coming from the attention seeking Alison. I'm going to farm you forever. Oh wait. Actually I'm just going to farm you for a couple of days. You my dear are pathetic. Now **** off because nobody cares.
@lopadain. Why do you always say" nobody cares" since when did you become the spokes person for everyone? Why don't you just speak for yourself? You seem to care the most. Since you keep posting. Over and over Why don't you just move on and continue with you kaw obscurity , where you belong.
I find it funny how one enters a thread and proceeds to tell the op of the thread to "shut the **** up". If anything, she has the power to tell you to shut it.
lol. I don't really care about people's opinions. This is just a tap tap game. And I'm going to tap tap your ass till you reset.
You obviously do care about people's opinions. That is why you continue to check this thread for responses and proceed to respond to them.
I love how he's so stupid that he doesn't realise how telling OP to shut up on her own thread sounds. Also love the need to swear to show his ruff tuff manliness - as he can't hit his way out outa issues . Can you be banned for not leaving when asked? Now that would be funny Cheers Snr
Sheesh. Snr. Most people think you are a prick. Every time you post you just make it more obvious. Go away please.
What are you going to do Lop? Take the 600 mil I own? The measly 10 bil in allies that took no time at all to get? You'd be wasting time. I'd laugh at the notifications of the hits I'll receive and play the games I do care about while you sit back and hit me with a false sense of achievement and pride.
When in doubt abuse lop - it is all you ha I know plenty of folk who think of me as you describe - doesn't bother me at all - given what I've done with some i'd think the same if I was them as well lol. Baiting you on here and watching you struggling to retain some air of credibility is hilarious. Keep it coming - I'd use the pure spy bit next tho - you've not said that for a few pages lol. Cheers Snr