Retirement and farewell

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SimbaTheFatDog, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. See you tomorrow :)

    On a more serious note, Gl irl and come back if you can
  2. Not even a single mention Dammy? I'm hurt. Truly.
  3. Who really cares like.........
  4. Why comment?
  5. Funny how osw always causes rl to catch up

  6. Damo you will be greatly missed. Good luck with your RL
  7. May you find what you are searching for, OP! I hate seeing the end and always lose a piece of myself when people retire. I wish you the best.
  8. I never knew you but I respect this post and wish you the best in RL
  9. Wish you all the best with rl bro!! You'll be missed hugely. Great clannie and friend 
  10. Cya mate, wish you the best in rl.
  11.  ima miss u!!!
  12. Wish you the best even while ur leaving u still got the furbies talking smack 
    Wish you the best bro 
  13. See you in a few days :)
  14. Take care bro
  15. :lol:
  16. Farewell. I enjoyed the times we spent enjoying my Michael Jackson memorabilia collection.

    And when you cut my hand off... Memories.
  17. Later Damo, great friend it was awesome to have met you in KaW. If you end up coming back let's figure a way to stay in touch.
  18. I'll bump this cause 4 pages is a wee bit embarrassing