Restoring Foxes to their Former Glory

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. Serious fail there by machine gun gay
  2. Well this has taken a sad turn. My apologies for the length of this post.
    If you find it TL
    then feel free to DR

    When I speak of respect it is to those who have earned it. For respect is something to be earned and not freely given.
    I give respect to our opponents:
    1. - those who chose to stand by there brethren
      - those who choose fight in noble defense of home and family
      - those who stand tall against adversity
      - those shed not a tear over great loss
    A special call out to Desire12 and NathanTK who after losing over 1t a piece in fake gold showed amazing spirit and good will.
    This world needs more like the two of you.

    Disrespect is likewise something that is earned.
    I am frustrated by those who would cry foul at being outnumbered all the while supporting the scores of clan-mates in their decision to "sit out the war because they would rather EB or who aren't active enough, who think they aren't big enough, or who just don't have a stomach for war."
    The fact that we do not target such clans to "even the numbers" a little more... well they should count this as a blessing.
    Never have I seen such quarter given in a war as a "safe haven for non-warring clan members" to run to when they "need a break". Rest assured we will be watching their allies very closely.

    Though we were not together long you should know me to be a man of my word. If you did not get at least that from our time together than I truly failed you. We left SUN for a variety of reasons but the nail in the coffin was a PM from VooDoo leadership telling me "We are likely pulling out of SUN as we just can't make this work." I have this time stamped ScreenShot still though I chose to not to post it as it is not my way.
    Know that Regulator's departure from SUN had nothing to do with the system war that we helped beta test. I think even Apocalypse knows this though I cannot speak for them.
    Save but for our brothers from DoA who are as unwavering as a mountain, we continued to fight Apocalypse alone after the SUN shattered and left our banks drained. We ground out EB as hard and as fast as we could for 2 weeks, taking no small amount of ridicule for doing so, to build up funds to mount an offensive even after the remaining clans in SUN surrendered. But this is a tale for another time.

    And to Joe,
    I hear you are a good guy and I hope to see that side of you some day. You are friends with many I trust and respect. You command loyalty from warriors of merit and I hear that you and DubPen liked each other so there must be a person worth in there somewhere.
    But to Call us out for being EB warriors.
    To call our leadership incompetent.
    To insult, strip, embarrass, defame, and threaten my members.
    To show an utter lack of respect for days on end when we gave you, nor any of your clan mates, reason to do so.
    To provoke our sleeping sword of war with multiple haughty declarations and challenges of war.
    To expect a Moderate and individual response when you cast dispersions on us as a collective
    and now to cry foul at being disrespected?!
    Nothing but shame.
    Members who dare to call themselves Foxes while whining about lack of incomings after converting to purespies with no spy potions or worse yet, members who safely hit epic battles in "non-warring subclans" while their brothers and cousins stand outnumbered, paying the hefty toll for their leisure. Such as these are not worthy of respect.
    They are worth, at best, slight regard and, in my mind, earn the contempt of their kinsmen.
    Foxes is a legendary clan who's forefathers are born on the battlefield. They are the sons and daughters of battle proof. Am glad to see some of these "Foxes of Legend" still exist among your ranks.
    When this war ends and those who have grown fat from fighting monsters who do not hit back return to your ranks with their shining new items and stories of 1 hour hauntings; I hope they are humble enough to bow their heads in reverence, if not shame, when any True Fox recounts tales from this war.

    As suggested, I will make a new thread in which there will be no discussion from the Regulators except to post Screenshots of stripped foxes and statistics of the strip. I invite our enemy to do the same.

    This will be my last post in this thread.
    Those who post here seem only to harm the mission statement in the title of this thread rather than to help it.

    As the OP I request that a moderator other than myself locks this thread for the content within weighs heavy on my heart.
  3. lock? ugh. taking talk too seriously, wulf.

    good bye fun thread.
  4. Joe_ (Foxes)

    Account Name: Joe_
    Amount Stripped: 866b
    Amount Taken: 830b
  5. PJenn (Foxes)

    Account Name: PJenn
    Amount Stripped: 166b
    Amount Taken: 120b
  6. Towel (Foxes)

    Account Name: Towel
    Amount Stripped: 34b
    Amount Taken: 32b
  7. Amaterasu1796 (Foxes)

    Account Name: Amaterasu1796
    Amount Stripped: 46b
    Amount Taken: 46b
  8. BlackBeardXVII (Foxes)

    Account Name: BlackBeardXVII
    Amount Stripped: 15b
    Amount Taken: 5b
  9. Cyclon3 (Foxes)

    Account Name: Cyclon3
    Amount Stripped: 21b
    Amount Taken: 21b
  10. Davidingles (Armageddon)

    Account Name: Davidingles
    Amount Stripped: 22b
    Amount Taken: 15b
  11. draxton2 (Foxes)

    Account Name: draxton2
    Amount Stripped: 62b
    Amount Taken: 55b
  12. El-Sepp (Foxes)

    Account Name: El-Sepp
    Amount Stripped: 16b
    Amount Taken: 8b
  13. Fists_of_Dissent (Foxes)

    Account Name: Fists_of_Dissent
    Amount Stripped: 54b
    Amount Taken: 54b
  14. slayer-69 (Foxes)

    Account Name: slayer-69
    Amount Stripped: 70b
    Amount Taken: 70b
  15. QueenTamina (Foxes)

    Account Name: QueenTamina
    Amount Stripped: 16b
    Amount Taken: 16b
  16. PoseT (Foxes)

    Account Name: PoseT
    Amount Stripped: 14b
    Amount Taken: 14b
  17. Morfar (Foxes)

    Account Name: Morfar
    Amount Stripped: 26b
    Amount Taken: 12b
  18. Miloy (Foxes)

    Account Name: Miloy
    Amount Stripped: 26b
    Amount Taken: 12b
  19. lachbaerchi (Foxes)

    Account Name: lachbaerchi
    Amount Stripped: 45b
    Amount Taken: 45b
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