Restoring Foxes to their Former Glory

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. Though I will admit I've been sleeping more than normal. Might account for some of it
  2. No Arkst, not you.

    And true, not as prevalent as I was, but I'm no totally decrepit...yet
  3. But true. Anyone that still knows you carries your influence. I've never been one for forum rep... Never heard of it until a few weeks ago just respect and influence to me. How do you even find out that stuff?
  4. I've never been one to have massive forum rep. Can't compare to Shifter, Bastion, or Toast.

    But evidently my ability to inadvertently derail threads is still incredibly powerful
  6. It'

  7. My reputation as a forumer is completely nonsensical... I can't even imagine myself other than anything but something.
  8. Sholron won American idol

    Using only sign language
  9. Actually, 'twas gas
  10. I made him his own thread Harry. This much awesomeness cannot be contained in one thread
  11. Well… the only reason for that may be that there's a "new gen" of players.

    But long ago, in the times when Moutos wasn't even a fetus lizard, and when l was a 20K CS noob, Shol was very popular in forums…

    In his own, Sholronistic way.
  12. I'm not horribly impressed by this new gen of Forumers.

    But then again, I don't think Benny or Boomy were impressed with mine
  13. The older gen were much better.
  14. How much did joe_ get stripped of?
  15. I think he said a tril?
  16. 815b bought
  17. Ooo… :| Did you manage to save some?
  18. Joe, what's current war situation? Any allies maybe joining? And big strips planned?
  19. I think, if big strips were planned, it'd be kept secret to the alliance :p
  20. No, he might say, 'we got a big strip planned'. Not 'we gonna strip wulf at 6pm SG time'
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