Restoring Foxes to their Former Glory

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. I will also say that metal is a warrior and I do have respect for him.
  2. It's interesting that LR hasn't completed an EB 11 days. This isn't a criticism; that means they're committed to the task at hand.

    What's also interesting is that Regs have managed to complete more than a dozen in the same period. Wulf managed 450 actions and top plunder in their last haunting. Way to lead from the front there dude.
  3. As an outsider that is also familiar with war, I can attest that sometimes an eb is necessary in order to repot. It might look like Wulf isn't fighting as hard as he could be, but we don't know his motives behind his actions, so we should not judge.
  4. I'm sure you're correct blade, but the alliance backing his war don't seem to be afforded the same opportunity. They continue to bleed while regs play EB's. At least from the outside, friendship with regs seems to come at a price....
  5. Rolf giskard made a fool of himself bahaha... sometimes silence is the best way to go.
  6. @gis

    Please, if you will understand. War on forums is always 25% one side 25% the other and 50% loudmouths. The only definite outcome is the end my brother.


    Thanks for your kind words. I remember you in BH war. You are a beast yourself. However I refuse to be labelled a warrior. I am a regulator and will be classified as such.
  7. Looking at alpha's EB history seems to prove the point.

    Taz, I couldn't agree more... With the second part of your statement at least. 
  8. All regulators are warriors I mean.
    If you think regs aren't warriors, then nor am I.
  9. Look at that. Another haunting just completed. In 2 hours. Impressive. Wulf takes out pole position again.
  10. So LR is holding off on EB and donating all their spies and troops to the regs vs foxes war, so that regs can EB? I'm lost o_O
  11. 267 actions in… 2:00:43.

    If I understand, a bar of spies can assassinate 36x before down to 0.

    Attacking is 24/25/26 hits per Regen. Let's say, 26.

    So, 26 36 is 62.

    Even if Wulf did 3 regens, it'd only go to 186 actions. Am I wrong?

    Maybe crystals were used? ;)
  12. But of course, it could be banking for a strip. I don't know… :roll:
  13. Metal: I respect you as a fighter. You have spirit and know your build well, and you use it effectively.

    Giskard: he's blitzing haunts for strip funds. Clever tactic, but generally doesn't get you brownie points from those taking the bulk of the hits.
  14. You're probably right, daybreak.
  15. Hmm… the plus sign, which will not appear on this parentheses ( ) seems to have a problem. :(
  16. Has anyone taken a look at Divine Regiment's eb history?
  17. Daybreak he could have mashed the item phase
  18. That'd mean 3 entire regens and 81 items.

    Thinking as it was a two hour EB, it's difficult to put in that many potions, as the few times I ever did Haunts, when I was an attack build, in 4 hour Haunts, I'd get 60 items in.

    On PC, on a 10GB internet speed. :|

    Or maybe, erase all the crap I posted above, and maybe he just hit items. :roll:
  19. @ daybreak

    Why are you talking on this thread again??
  20. Post cut off.

    Anyways, that's a valid point CHIEF. But to get 286 items in Haunts (or at least 81) is somewhat difficult, at least it's been for me, since I've been on the noob Haunts .

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