Restoring Foxes to their Former Glory

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. LOL! Actually laughed - sorry.
  2. Assumptions and such.

    Lol. I was half-way to retired, burned out, and over it all when this started

    Foxes ca read, "joe_ won't be around much in the foreseeable future"

    Honestly, thanks for killing my meegos lol
  3. I'm sorry even the
    Pal bot asked what mental issues I had
  4. Oh the poets on this side.
  5. That's not what it says now. I got ss of cc on both sides.. I'm slick like that
  6. That was 2 weeks ago flops
  7. I never post, and this will be only. Shut up and war.....I hate hearing the bottom talking about not getting hit. The real fighters are quite and respectful. The rest are noobs trying to make a name
  8. 
  9. Now then, back to the actual fight?

    Protip: Wulf don't explain to your foes how to track your banks. Trust me, we've had an eye on the money train since day 1.

    Let's stop talking and start Walking.

    We know we're outgunned, yet here we stand.

    Foxes For Life
  10. If you know all these banks oh almighty, genius joe. Then why are you guys (you included :lol: ) getting stripped in the trillions each day.

    I see a lot of talk saying you know all this crap.
    The amount of actions you are making, are less then minimal.

    So for once, stop crapping on and trying to prove some idiotic point in forums, an try actually doing something.

    If you're unfinished with the term, which I'm sure you are. That means actually have some sort of impact instead of being useless.
  11. So because youre not being hit, no one else is either?

  12. The bottom fights too
  13. Did you get permission from an adult in your clan to speak Anarchy, or is the slinging just your delusion and non-representative of the thoughts of your clan leadership. Perhaps you should include a footnote...

    I haven't seen Belle talk with the insolence that you seem to manage. Why you think that the opinion of an ally less member in the bottom percentile of the clan is important is beyond me.

    Grow up. Learn from your own leadership. I'm sure that they're as bored with the mouthings of the help as much as the rest of KaW are.
  14. what? anarchy didnt say anything about an ally less member of any clan in his post.
    maybe u shouldnt drink and kaw?
  15. @Pinky.

    It's all right, giskard is still the hating, idiotic fool he's always been. Oh well, guess it must degrade your intellect sitting on this game every day for 3 years.

    Grats gisk for having no life.

    Haters only hate on those that they feel are better than them. And your starting point about the whole 'You make your clam look bad by singling out a player.'

    That's a rather hypocritical comment, as did you not just do it to me?

    Anyway, you keep on noobing it up man, Apheriun loves the attention while you sit there and talk smack.

  16. You weren't slinging on a 'player', you were slinging on the leader of foxes. The fact that you don't perceive a difference probably follows you in other areas of your life.

    @rubber, KaW and beer isn't so bad. 
  17. Oh yeah, the fact I don't perceive some idiot talking dribble on a video game, really follows me around in real life.

    Oh, and trust me, when people like you drink 4 beers everyday while playing KaW, it can be pretty bad.
  18. rubber haha, most time i been getting called no-kiss :lol:
    its pinky fyi, and yeah i agree beer is actually great with kaw
  19. Probably time people read this one again...
  20. Heh, cool.  Liked your old name better, but I'll get used to the new one.  how do you like to be called?
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