Restoring Foxes to their Former Glory

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. Why complain how DOA wars we at alpha salute DOA mass respect to them....
    They don't post forums complaining how foxes war...nor any other clan they are fighting......
    Massive respect to DOA
    U gained ALPHASRespect long ago 
  2. Perhaps bc they only claim to war? Idk. You tell me. Easy to war with huge numbers. Not so easy later. ;)
  3. Alpha and I have a checkered past. Respect many there, others I feel overreact too easy.
  4. Lol look who's talking joe perhaps u need to leave forums an find the attack button ur self....
    I know ur butts hurt an u must find sum thing to complain about...
    But really have u got that petty...
    if ur deluded enough to think they hitting ebbs an not foxes Y are u also complaining ur out gunned when all we do is hit ebbs lol...
    Put ur war head on as ur sounding like a butt hurt old woman moaning 
  5. Does anyone even know the line-up now? Seems I have mised a few clans joining in.
  6. Regulators, Regulators inc., queens regulators, nightmare on queens street, Letalis Regnum, Last Rights, 7wrath7, 7envy7, Alpha, Alpha omega, Defenders of Asgard, Divine Regiment.


    Foxes, German Foxes, VooDoo, Outlawz, Armageddon
  7. Not whining. We're still here. ;)
  8. You are counting sub clans like its some big deal wow, whateva whateva
  9. Blackknight: I'm aware of the location of my attack button. Also well aware of how to xtal (I'm forced to do this at times as 6 of you are on me pretty regularly)
  10. I still see it as 6vs5, and maybe b4 u declare war on someone next time u will think about allies maybe?
  11. And you're not counting them like they don't have names or members
  12. Lol, can't tell if trolling or..
  13. Lol. Joe looks like someone is butthurt. Don't ya think? 
  14. Lol. War wasn't declared until you lot stripped past this account alone.

    Your folks declared, not us.
  15. Someone was obviously butthurt enough to step outside the offending party and strip innocents
  16. @joe_ did u see the op?
    U was stripped afterwards right?
  17. Re: Restoring Foxes to their Former Gloryjoe_ why

    Joe_ why you no list voodoo dark arts or voodoo's dark arts or any of the sub clans on that side...just the ones on regs... besides be happy to get inc that's how you know you are feared! Grrrrr fierce warrior you
  18. Dark arts were not involved until they were targeted
  19. Pinky. Dont be that guy.
  20. ^^exactly why I said I'm only counting it as 6vs5, he is delusional and thinks they are out numbered clans wise and in reality it pretty even.
    While they been hitting ebs forever b4 this, we been stripping folks maybe foxes have gotten rusty prior to this war, and that's why we ebs suck . When war breaks out you just aren't prepared if u been playing battle monsters
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