Restoring Foxes to their Former Glory

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. Estoc sign ups. Will this end this quicker
  2. Defenders of Asgard quit being eb warriors n war 
  3. bump,, another 200bil cleared..winning?
  4. Another propaganda piece of meaningless writing... Nobody cares ^
  5. oh. is this still going on? i figured the regs would be trying everything and anything to get out of it so that they could go try the new system war.
  6. propaganda?? hmm coming from u the clan that has only cleared a 28bil strip,, i can see why you dont like to hear about it ;)

    and word haha we will be doing the wars for sure
  7. we are great multitaskers :)
  8. This thread is coming along nicely...still not as wide as belle's arse!
  9. LOL.
  10. Look at Defenders of Asgard. Mostly all pinned bottom half completely naked... Yeah we will get to you 
  11. Just they're not

    And LOL at starting from the bottom up.
  12. Lol and no inc for the past week . Get off your high horse
  13. My horse is only high because I share the wealth
  14. For anyone interested, regulators have added two no clans to meatshield for them, welcome 7DS clans to the party.
  15. What's a meatshield? I'm pretty sure you can hit regulators all you want. They cant hide anywhere
  16. Why are so many clans going against foxes?
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