Think what you like. My newsfeed has cleared up pretty significantly of late. Seems some of your buddies are now occupied elsewhere. Like I said. LR are not a primary target atm. Your thoughts are noted, however.
Joe... Such a bull-shitter. Oh well, guys just let him keep living the fantasy that he's actually effecting anyone in this war. He can stay happy that way.
Lmao. What's the need in all this. 1) should have kept it wulf vs joe. 2) or even foxes vs regs. No allies.
I didn't say that, But it's reg, LR, someone else Vs foxes voodoo, and ??? Where did LR and voodoo come from
Oooh, Joe_ Did I anger you? That was a prompt response in my newsfeed... Thanks for cleaning my gold out man, now I can pin you, and you won't be able to do anything... :lol:
Val, Armaggedon are now in the war too. Regulators Last Rights DoA VS Foxes VooDoo Armageddon (German foxes were involved yesterday, not sure about that now?)
Wulf took offence to joes opinion about regulators, stripped joe with last rights and whoever else joined in. Imo if regulators wanted to prove a point they would've taken it to foxes on there own. Now you blame foxes for calling on their allies!
You know wulfs meat sheild tactic would actually work if pulled off right. That is why 2 of my acc's have simple, easy names too type, so they take all the hits. You need funds to OSW, if you don't have funds, your useless just hitting nothing.
Deano, I don't see anyone blaming anyone. How about you shut up, and either join the war, do you know what's going on, or stop making stupid assumptions and posting daft comments.