this post was not authorized by the great council of the great wasteland. my apologies for the interruption.
Part of me wishes I didn't reset now. This will be a good war. I hope the foxes can begin to be the legend they once were at the start of the game. Good luck joe. I think we might have been in a clan together on a different app at some point but I'm not sure. I'm sure you'll make this interesting on forums and in the battlefield though. But anyways, good luck to both sides.
Lol @ares- will you be applying to LR to seek revenge along with the other 75 moles who have applied? Lol. Joe- I'm not ag anymore and as far as I can tell, ag is fairly busy trash talking me and LR in pal. Far too busy to hit foxes too. AND- you know we had fun with our last go round. You earned respect from me- which is I choose to believe you are STILL drunk lol. @x's fury- Lubs u guys. No hate here. Have a lot of friends in there.
I don't know about everything else but the most interesting thing on all 55 pages of this thread was about belle's ass..... Everything else was mostly blah blah blah Anyway..... Support to our allies Foxes! Good luck New Age
Support to our Allies Foxes.. If we're not on osw, would have been nice to even the odds. But I'm sure you have more in your sleeves than meets the eye.. New Age