Lmfao I interrupted myself with an ampersand I said @Machine and @Drgn- true. That's a good point, makes sense. I recant my statement
Roch I beg to differ Wulf's thread is stunning. It's factual, polite, and to the point. Many war threads are funny great Picts and stuff. Wulf is very clinical about it. You guys are always whining "SS or it didn't happen". Well the SS the response and the pounce masterful really.
@Dionise- actually, I never whine ss or it didn't happen, but 'you guys' is probably general. Drgn and Machine both made good points, and I've recanted my statement If you're referencing my last post, Wulf did post a bypass. 'Belle! My my! Your ass is getting huge!'
Oh sorry to hear, maybe Belle should diet or I'll farm the mud slinger while she's at war. Wulf did not post the bypass but posted a copy of a bypass. The SS was a general statement I read in thread after thread.
Come on roch, I thought you had foruming skills? Cutting yourself with the & sign is sooo newby-like. BTW whos winning now? I mean who's winning the forum talking.
Dumbass? Let me ask you a question is jbb still farming you? If not ill show you what a dumbass I am?