Restoring Foxes to their Former Glory

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. Wulfy wulfy wulfy...... Gunna eb ya way to cf again?
  2.  hmmnnn interesting!
  3. Lmao maddog!!
  4. At least i can thank this war for stopping my retirement :lol:
  5. All i hear is How this War is 'Unfair' because Its a 7 v1 or 4 v1 or however you see it. Uhhhh...News flash; There will Never be a fair fight in KaW. There is just simply the inevitable truth that one side will always over power the other side, And no matter how much you cry about it..its Not changing. You didnt see Regulators Crying about it being BH, WH, AAH, Kreuzritter, Judgement, and ISS vs Them. So suck it up. Call in your Allies or Ask for a CF the whole point of a OSW is to Put the other side in their place and show them whose boss, so with that being said no Duhh each side will become as powerful as possible in order to end the war Quicker. Finally, No Regulators did not ask LR for help we havent been in an OSW for a week or two, and Like belle said we love war and were dying for some action.
  6. This is my new favorite thread.

    They really should add a "bookmark" button!

    Or an RSS feed would be equally cool 
  7. Who cares. Shut up and fight.
  8. Please do not heed the pointless banter in here.
  9. Funny to hear people cry about far war then mention protake/CR war . You guy had pro outnumber 10-1 in that war.

    Maybe foxes demand wulf rip down all his builds as part of cf like johhnypizzo did for CR so long ago...

    Might take a year of war for that to happen

    Will see If this war last through devs release of new war system. Then we know if its serious or just for fun 
  10. Having good friends on both sides of this, I see nothing but escalation happening. This will be one to watch, folks.

    Intelligent, and dedicated fighters on both sides. Allies are loyal on both sides...this will be a true test. I have read this entire thread, and love the comments. If anyone believes this will be a quick OSW with a victor, you obviously don't understand this game yet.

    Both sides have leagues of allies, all of whom are massive.

    Best of luck to both sides.
  11. Willy, how long did it take to read the whole thread?
  12. Im loving this three way, love triangle LR, Foxes and AG have going on.

  13. 12 minutes.

    14 seconds.

    ...and a 5 minute break to get some cookies.
  14. Not gonna lie. If anyone besides Wulf posted a thread this simple, people would probably bash them for it.
  15. @Roch incorrect. People only bash if the thread was made by an alt or if its not worth the community's attention.
  16. I have to disagree with you this time Roch.

    The threads op was indeed short, but it got the point across better than any essay of an op possibly could have.
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