How many times does it have to be said. Let me type it really slow. Q u e e n s t r e e t is a r e g u l a t o r clan. Ya get it this time? They are a reg clan. The clan queen streets is another branch of regulators. Umm they are one in the same. So you have all Regs clans on you DoA (who wars ever time regs do and vice versa) LR. So 3 clans, in which really DoA is like regs red headed step child so it's kinda like 2. But I'm sure if they wanted 7 clans on yours, it wouldn't be hard at all.
Don, the thing is, your not gonna fit all of those members from those clans into 2 clans. So without trying to hide it, it's 7 clans you have in this war. Idk why you keep trying to say otherwise.
~grad popcorn and enjoys the thread~ wow this gonna get big woot maybe Kaw WW 3 xD but yea interesting stuff to read
If regulators were so confident about giving foxes the ass whooping they've been talking about, they wouldn't need to involve any clans, they'd take it to foxes one on one and prove it. Having 3 or 7 or however many clans it actually is joining in, they're proving otherwise. I look forward to all alliances on both sides joining in and this turning huge! 4v1? And then? Lol. You're talking in circles already. "They're all Regs clans, so they're all regs." Really? Lol. Yes, Foxes are a family, but that's not to say that all of Fox are actively throwing everything at 7 clans hitting one, nor does it mean that we are hopelessly without resources. Our Family clans haven't disrespected Regulators or involved themselves directly, yet they've taken hits. Our allies haven't involved themselves at all to this point. We've provided support for Jayde before when she was stripped and Maj called support from us to 46n2. Foxes have done nothing for 2 years? Really? GF and myself personally provided assistance to CR during their and VooDoo's wars with Protake. GF fought HARD with sun alliance along with VooDoo and Outlawz against many very old friends (Yes, there were a number of Foxes present, sadly, I wasn't) Got held out of iG/res war, ran a good chunk of intel in ZiG/UWF, tried madly to hold SK out of ZiG/Ming, but they persisted. Insisted on joining VooDoo/pro war as well as CR/pro war. 6 months of my Kaw existence. AG contract on me lasted 5-6 weeks (give or take). HGL/HGK "wars" were short and sweet at the time, but fun nonetheless. Alpha and Murph's hit me solo to the point of agreeing to terms once each (Tika actually asked me to 1v1 after Murph's (then her lb #1 clan, which she's since abandoned) hit and threatened me for accusing her of hiding behind others) I obviously declined...that's a win in itself Alpha and I have a checkered past. I have a ton of respect for them, and qwerty is pretty awesome, but calling a clan farm on me when I disagree with a merge, given that there were pretty silly desires and requests involved are what they are. There's the response to the "has-been/never was," comment I am who I am. I've never claimed to be more, but I don't jump folks and immediately declare victory.
Actions speak louder than words...and i'll see who is stronger at end of this luck to both sides And i only believe what i see NOW...not 12 months ago...
This is the nascient phase of war. You hit me, and I admit I got snuck. Don't think you've won in a day, and don't think I've even begun to play my hand. You stripped me? LoL! Good work. This is belle's second-go-round with that. Ironically, it's how we met. I've been stripped's a casualty of war. Acting like Foxes are afraid of you over this is beyond silly. You've already hit us with triple our strength at once, yet here we stand.