Restoring Foxes to their Former Glory

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. An nothing personal eric i love you. hahaha
  2. Belle, Wulf

    Joe, me
  3. Joe, me, Eric*^
  4. Who's Eric?
  5. :eek: well this got a whole lot more exciting now... 2 mods take on 1 mod, 1 normal
    gd thing i grabbed some popcorn...wonder whose side moose is on :shock:
  6. Dark- LR is with regs in this war. That doesn't mean I don't have lots of friends in foxes and like the clan.
  7. Belles. You're so smart.

    Support. And true.
  8. And me im with joe and melissa :D i feel so left out lol
  9. I'm pretty sure there are no hard feeling between any of the mods. But you can think what you want.
  10. JAYDE!!!!!!!!
  11. @Jayde

    I like chili dogs
  12. so LR + Regs take on Foxes
    pretty high level clans...but i like it..KaW just got a whole lot more intresting :cool:
  13. No. I challenged no one, Jayde
  14. Darkace, to be fair to the other clans involved, It's Last Rights, queens street, defenders of Asgard and Regulators vs Foxes
  15. Why deos it matter who started it?...i wanna finish it 
  16. As I've previously stated, it's 7v1 atm
  17. and i wanna watch it :lol:
  18. Joe...come on. You trolled WC for a day, after the night-of-the-forum-drama-with-metal. I, like Belle (as we were in PM agreeing about this), just assumed you both were drunk and being "dudes".

    But, you continued it past that. You were obnoxious about it. I was actually a bit surprised, you always struck me as being more of a mature player than that, but...hey. You obviously don't like Wulf and called him out, so now you get to see who's right.

    Personally, I've been in a clan with the guy for over a year and there are few on KaW who I respect more. Good luck, but...careful what you ask for with Regs. They learned from the best. :lol:

    This is what makes KaW fun after all.
  19. Hi arkst lol

    Over beer? Really? :|
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