Responses on Your Voice

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Titan_God, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. What Kezzer said was absolutely right!

    Kenpachi, I know you were a good player once! You were ready to help any player by teaching them about builds!

    Remember in the past months you always used to post this in World Chat? Three players walled you recommending you as a Valiant Knight back then!

    Giving out a helping hand to the players that really needs it does not necessarily mean that you are "kissing the devs". Maybe you help because you really want to do it and see them learn something from you!

    I really missed and liked seeing you in the past back there! I feel something positive about this! Don't you feel the same, Ken?

    Titan_God, I sincerely apologize for going off-topic on your thread but I really need to post this for a positive reason!
  2. Lmao.. seriously all a__ k______ and re_____.
  3. Oh devs.. u guys still jokers.
  4. They still brush off the hit range issue the problem is during pvp events not bl or osw or wars during pvp events hardly anyone gives a crap about gold payout but if a small player is too 100 or 10 and is big enough for lb(close to) players to hit they will farm them for event drops and they can't even do anything about that because the massive difference in sizes takes more items and more regen so they're stuck sitting in pin having their xtals eaten the entire time they're trying to keep at it
  5. #1 the hit range the pay out sucks on gold when hitting someone smaller sure but when you have a 70mil cs build sitting on you in a pvp event because they still get the same amount of items they would get hitting somewhere their own size its not nice.
  6. Baconator and -Grizzy, I do partly agree with you on the hit range issue.

    When you look at a 5mcs player being targeted by a 25mcs player (especially when stronger than the defender in both troop and spy), it should be obvious enough to see that the fight is one-sided. Of course, the gold payout is super-low and that's understandable, but the one disadvantage at this situation is that the defender almost cannot do anything to defend back, and with the fact that the attacker (25mcs) usually having 99% victory chance, there is little left for the defender to do.

    Almost nothing can be done to even up the tables, and in this case the attacker will always win. This shows an imbalance of the hit range system.

    Imagine the defender getting pointed by ten spears five times his size. Could you imagine how bitter and sad that would be?

    I even regretted farming a small player once during the Starfall event. The hit range issue may really need to be fixed. I do not speak for myself but for the other players who have been going through hard times like this.
  7. My alt was 9mil cs last pvp event it was getting hit by 65mil cs I cannot do anything back except fail sucks balls but whatever.
  8. Sean, Kezer u guys will not make any 1 vk.
    U can only recomend those.

    And i will help player when i will be unsilenced.
    But the way krezer is acting (YES ACTING) is like licking ass.

    I want players to be of their natural behaviour not of a person like a smile attached to a pupet.

    And krezer acts like that way.

    Oh and what help u did krezer ?
    Really curious ? Dont tell me that u write and post stories or u say Gm,ga, ge in wc...
  9. First of all I am being my natural self. I volunteer my time to youth organizations irl so as I have said multiple times I am just a caring and helpful person.

    I am not "licking ass" as you say. I actually look into things and post an honest opinion of how I feel. I have pointed out both positives and negatives in recent updates so what I say is far from one sided and is most definitely not about making myself look good.

    Regarding what both you and I have done for the community I actually said what you did was great. I personally help out new players too although not in the same level as you. Again I don't feel I have to list all of what I do because as I seem to be saying an awful lot lately I do what I do because I enjoy it not because I want recognition for it.
  10. Support! Love that the Dev's are involved and try their best to listen to feedback from the kawmunnity! Been playing for 3 years and I still love the game, keep up the great work devs and mods!
  11. Lol@ posts disappearing now for calling kezzer out for butt kissing. You're getting there, kez!
  12. Kezzer, don't expect much from ppl like them.
    They wouldn't believe until they knew it themselves, but they didn't. So just keep cool and continue the good work. Action speaks louder than words right? And words are not enough for them, so just help and ignore ppl who didn't knew anything about your personality :)

    As long as you know the truth yourself :)
  13. @kezzer, why post in blue? If your not aspiring to be a vk? I believe you would not have these negative comments if you made your suggestions in the same way as us commoners 
  14. I like the color and I like my posts being different to everyone elses. If people make negative comments towards me due to the color of my text color then they are actually pathetic. It's mainly due to me posting an opinion that differs from theirs. I try to look at what we get out of something as opposed to what we didn't. I'm a glass half full kinda guy.
  15. -Hit Ranges are Too High

    Hit Ranges in Kingdoms at War haven’t changed over the years. We’ve always allowed larger players to hit smaller players and vice versa. This is a balance that ensures each player has actionable targets in their battle list. In reality though, big players that go after small players get pretty terrible payout. Small players going after large players (while it’s difficult to do) can get a better payout. Generally potions help to balance this as well (both in attacking larger, and defending), though the last round of potions we added had to be removed after a largely negative response from players.

    While hit ranges haven't changed as they're based on providing players with an appropriate number of enemies on the battle list we'll continue to monitor and model out possible changes.

    This means they are too damn lazy to change it.

    Maybe they should look at their PvP event and watch the bigs and smalls rip off the Mids.
  16. Can you guys find some other colour than cyan, it's giving me a head ache
  17. My comment in titans other thread was right. Tell us something to quiet the crowd. But I like how they don't mention anything about the bots.
  18. This is a shame. The hit ranges were perfect when all you had was highlands and lowlands.

    The PvP events are unfair to mid build players who get picked apart from smalls and GAP players.

    EE is suffering from this also.

    And who cares about plunder when in a PvP fight/OSW. Size matters because of what you can take, not what you can make.

    Rate: 0 out of 5

    This is a case of far to little far to late.

    The issue is this. Why play a game when it take 3 to 6 years to get a competitive build? I'm not talking Build Complete, I'm talking it would take that long to get an effective build for OSW/EE/PvP/Events.

    It's ridiculous.

    And I see you are trying but you are throwing pennies and it, not dollars.

    Rate: 3 out of 5
    At least you act like you care.

    I see more EE updates and changes than anything. It is quite visible you are focused on this. So much so I feel you are ignoring other issues in its same field.

    Regardless, at least you are trying.

    Rate: 5 out of 5

    This is a face palm moment.

    1st: events. The player gap and hit ranges kill it for mid builds, which makes up a large part of this game. That and the moronic 6 dollar spell is makes PvP events worthless and unplayable. Also, the payouts are crap.

    #2. Just increase the plunder to PvP by 50% like you did the EB's and the issue is fine. Even if alts pay better than EB's, EB's have end payout and a flippin' repeat button. We are only asking to keep it in line with Epic Battles. Not void them out.

    Rate: -3 out of 5

    If you actually make the game faster - by actually giving a bridge to the mid builds not a freakin stick in the mud, then we might be able to keep players. No one wants to spend years building a build that is competive on an app game. Especially since no one knows how much longer this game will last.

    Other than that, to the content, you can only do what you can do with what we have.

    Rate: 4 out of 5.
    At least you are considering my ally plunder spell for new players.

    I agree mostly with that, but..
    HTE is too dominate. You have to run it for events to have any chance on a prize worth a damn.

    Also, with how long it takes to make a competitive build, you have to run it to make this game playable.

    Rate: 2 out of 5 because of an over powered HTE.

    Over all. 2 stars on this update which means, Titan, our voice doesn't matter much, only out numbers and algorithms. But those numbers don't tell a damn thing about the bubble effect.

    I'm just going to sit back from now on and watch the game die and take my pleasure in at least trying before I said screw it.
  19. Between what I said page 6 and rusted's last post you have so many of the problems answers right before you.
    Why can you not respond to and address these points and explain why you are not prepared to consider solutions put forward.

    Some ideas have been considered I will admit.
    But not what we need for success. Talk to us and explain what can be considered and why, and what cannot be used.

    If you want our support talk to us and problem solve with us. The players best know the faults.
    You know what's possible to implement. So from there discussion seems the obvious path to success and growth and a healthy future for kaw. Which is what most if bit all of us want.
  20. No support to any of this situation. Devs do not care about anything but pay to win players plain & simple. Hey tell us something we dont know right? I find this hilarious to be honest. Once again they have avoided any responsibility for the real issues with there classic " leave a open ended remark with no real awnser" technique.

    Ever tried emailing support, its a complete joke! I have literally received one helpful thing from them. That being locking my reset button (children + reset button = disaster). Out side of that just the same round about screw you responses we see above. Its funny to think it had to be a "mods thread" to get actual replies. On top of that being copy & pasted quotes from an email. If that's a slap in the face what it?

    Also funny considering they posted in other threads and said to comment on titans thread. Now I've posted there wall and no response. If the only way to reach a Dev is through a player they personally gifted with powers only they can bestow. What does that say?

    Couple of things I forgot to add. Why didn't war crystals work? Simple, devs couldn't make a profit off of it. That's a no brainer. I personally loved the idea myself, this "chance at winning a xtal from war win or loose" is there cheap way to try & settle down people asking for war xtals. Now, with that stated "promos give free stuff already" how many people spend large amounts of rl$$$ for mage/xtals?

    Seriously, outside of equip & banners you are cutting off your nose to spite your face otherwise. The devs give free stuff as a prize to entice you to spend more cash. Hence why hte always pays best in promo items, they will always find a way to get there pound of flesh. In all honesty this entire situation more suspicious than a nun doing squats in a cucumber patch ;).