Lol frog you can't blame Titan for ata being asshats, he sent all the comments in to ata and they just sent this back to him. This just shows ata don't give two hoots roll on the event and count the cash ata, you won't be getting a god damn thing from me again I'm boycotting your ass.
So basically with the hit ranges they don't want to change it? So it's okay for a 110m CS player to stomp on 30-40m CS players who have 0 chance of succeeding with return hits?
So after titan spent the time to go out and gather player feedback the devs have decided that it is in there best interest to ignore this feedback... Thanks for trying at least titan
Why would a VK's opinion be any more important than other vets who have played 5 years? Stop kissing VK ass.
Sorry to Titan. But we've had 3 threads and a petition to give asia an evening war time. If the best Asia can do is a war that starts 1 in the morning, we won't be doing well in s5. However none of that is addressed here.
I have backed this idea so many times and it doesn't even affect me. If the wars are unbalanced due to low amounts of participants it's far better than no war at all.
Trust me, he isn't trying! He just wants to help the community, that's all! Also, wait till his comment proves useful when at least 1 player finally learns from him!
Agreed too many people kissing the vk asses I don't kiss anyone's ass because they have a shiny little badge to hell with all you shiny glowing badges. Titan at least tries to get our points across all be it he is talking to a brick wall commonly know as ata but the vk what is that anyway ? Nothing special at all that's the truthful part of it! Most vets help players without having the need to have a badge or receive any recognition a simply Ty and gratitude often suffices.If people do not have a thought or a opinion of their own without the constant need to lick that starfish clean of the next brown nosed man then just don't comment it's pointless. I don't even care if I agree or the ideas disgust/disturb me as long as they are their own too many vk are biased beyond belief !
Valiant effort Titan. Luckily the game that I play primarily is launching a new PvP server which will not include all of the negatives that the old one had (surprise their devs actually listened to their players) so I will hardly (if ever) even play KaW. And this season 5 crap... what a joke.
About the free ebs content, I can see that as acceptable. Specially since smash is making use pay for the missions. But still smash gives us so much more than kaw ever has, however I do see a lot of the ideas people have been throwing around is implemented into smash. So yeah your ideas are coming into play, just not reaching kaw *insert moon face*
And the guys became Vk bcoz they kissed lots of asses. Its the harsh truth, and the crap they say abt helping community is crapiest.
I don't think that's fair at all. Helping the community in positive ways =/= kissing up to the devs. Until you were silenced people mentioned you as a vk candidate. After the silence you became bitter towards the community. So from what you are saying you were someone who sucked up to the devs a lot as you were suggested for vk.
Can we add fix events? These 4 tier collecting system is terrible, it's based around hte. Idc if you have to make hte pay 4x the items then other ebs just make it so we only have to collect 1 item.