Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest I messaged a mod and she said it's PST Pacific time zone. It already passed I believe
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest The money from 1 event should be more than plenty to unlock to mage lmao
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest and what if this is their first event?[/quote] They shoould still have enough[/quote] people dont start out with the mage the devs used an old system instead of making a new one.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest You've taken my breastplate but not returned the 10K Dew I had !!!
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest Lel lost my lvl 10 chest plate and I had 12k past chest plate so I lost all event equip now
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest Thats going to have to happen after we sort everything else out.