Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest Y'all quit ur damn complainin!! U get HELLA more than we ever did starting out. Smdh "There's no cryin in kaw!"
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest Are u going to reopen keys so we can open our last few boxes? Or do we all just not get to open them?
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest Items not dropping for the final 20 mins? We should get an extra 30 mins on the event!
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest Items are dropping...but what about keys for boxes ? ...,and ebs are dropping boxes
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest I'm missing dew from an eb that would have gave me enough to upgrade my equip to the next one.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest We did 2 HTE's that we didnt get items for that were completed before the time ran out... Check our clan history for Voodoo!
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest I was only 10 scrolls away from 7500 reward. The HTE eb ended and no one got any reward other than gold. No scrolls or energy or moss. No one in my clan and I'm sure in other clans too. Please try to fix this problem
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest lol. Since same exact problem happened on monday with zta/pvp weekend. It's amazing that you devs didn't do anything about it to fix, I'm not surprised, I was expecting this. Every single event there's always screw ups. But 1 free xtal fixes everything huh? Keep up the good work ATA Team.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest No if we gettin a exrra 30mins we better get our items from our last 2 htes!!!
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest devs owe me 5 ebs worth of payout... ITS MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest No support noob you left me at the door of your clan and learn to spell scrub
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest Well missing 202 full moon because of The issue not dropping in last Hour.. Almost 8k
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest Thanks for letting the devs know that there is a problem, im sure since in this thread Title is [KNOWN ISSUE] and they even said in the post that they are working to fix it, that they're aware of the problem. But again, thank you for letting everyone know that there is a problem, greatly appreciated.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest Hey everyone, We're going to be bringing boxes and keys back until 1:15PM giving you another hour to open them. Collection items earned from these boxes will continue to count towards your event totals. We're also going to be sending out compensation for players who completed Epic Battles during this time who should have received drops, so keep your eyes on your notification inbox. Once that's all finished we'll work to get rewards out for all.