[help. Got breastplate of druids champ. Now it's completely goneuote="[ATA]Grant"]We're looking into an issue where players may have started to receive rewards from the Preview Box Tab of the event page. We're going to look into this, and will ensure in the end players received the correct rewards they should of for the overall event. We'll update you as soon as we know more. Update This Preview Box Reward issue should be resolved now. We're working to finalize other rewards from the event soon.[/quote]
This is definitely not resolved, where are our refunds of full moon dew? I went from having 13k to 7k after your so called fix! Now I'm stuck with the staff when I had the breastplate before all of this mess. Also the preview page is still missing from my event screen
why did i have the breastplate but then only got pauldrons? please remove pauldrons from my inventory and give me the breastplate that 10000 merited. in addition please refund the promo things you use to enchant that i wasted on a piece of equip i shouldnt have gotten so i may enchant the correct one. im not gonna cry or whine for bars and seals i appreciate mistakes happen- but doing a little something for everyone over this fiasco of an event isnt too ridiculous. like maybe one xtal or something? that breastplate took a lot of work to earn. it kinda sucks if you dont give back the superior reward that i imagine many of us earned. thanks.
Why I'm not getting any rewards for the full moon dew that I'ved accrued? I have 6559 fullmoon dew and should have the staff for rewards. I didn't get the staff and I used the dew to upgrade the equipment from helmet onwards, but still I couldn't reach the staff that the rewards system is showing. After upgrade, I only manage to reach the hands equipment which I've ran out of dew to reach the staff rewards which I supposed to be deserved. Admin, pls explain and rectify. Thank you.
The equipment received doesn't match what the preview showed during event. I thought I secured the breastplate easy, then I end up with the weapon.
Then why did it show 10k for breastplate and state it was current reward? To late now to screen shot the image.
It showed reward when I clicked Preview then gave me nothing. Took away most of the dew I had even.. At least it didn't replace my equipment I had.. just can't upgrade with the chips I got from the event reward when I logged back in..