[RESOLVED] Preview Box Rewards

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. @Grant I've got the dew I shouldve got from the eb I finished like an hour before event was over so how come I dont get to upgrade my equip because I should've got the 2nd to last which was shoulders I think. Plz fix this
  2. Just tried collecting preview (after forum update said they were ready) and I got nothing.
    It showed me a empty list of items received.
    I checked equipment to see if I got the breastplate anyways (10k+) and it's not there.
    So preview rewards are not ready to be collected yet!
  3. This ones not the sharpest tool in the shed guys, either that or he forgets sarcasm doesn't work well through text.
  4. I was able to upgrade my equip just try again guys.
  5. Have you resolved unpaid dew from active ebs as this would give next their, paid lower their when 14 short and thrashed old man in last eb of event. No pay of dew means unhappy camper...
  6. u took my staff. an still don't hav it back yet or main event rewards.
  7. Missing my bars still
  8. If you make a mistake as a developer and give out equipment, it's kind of stupid to take it back isn't it? Especially whenever it takes 4 hours to receive your actual rewards. Give me my ring back
  9. Well what about the dew that we spent to upgrade our equipment??? If I wouldn't have upgraded during the event then I would've gotten better equip. And you just took my fully enchanted new equip and replaced it with a non enchanted equipment. Why?
  10. When can I use chips it still wants to use dew to upgrade my eq
  11. Please tell me that your still working on the fix!

    During the fix you removed my leveled up reward...which was lower than the dew I should have had...and i am now left with the Tassets that can't be leveled up.

    So please tell me your still working on this!
  12. I have one piece of equipment which I understand that's how it works. But I apparently need 6000 dew to upgrade it but only have 2000 dew. Also the preview page on my rewards is not there at all. I think that's a part of the problem. Please fix. Thanks
  13. Had pauldrons earlier as expected. Now I have no event equip. Wtf devs?!
  14. I didn't get any equipment??
  15. Why would I get the lesser equipment after I collected over 10k dew for breastplate?

    Help me out
  16. It was like 35k dew for breastplate
  17. Still waiting on equipment after taken away
  18. No Preview button/event anymore. No rewards either.
  19. When i got my scroll awards my preview event eq disappeared. Can yu fix this please?