Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards When I got this preview "glitched" award it was the same as the award I had earned so it deleted my actual reward! Please help!
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards Thank you so much Devs. .. Once again you manage to screw us over.. Why not just hack our freaking credit cards. . You freaking morons
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards Hey there, it seems this is indeed the case for some. In this case we'll be working to restore the correct items from before as well.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards I too am having the same issue, my equipment was deleted because it was the same as the glitched item I received.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards Sigh u take away my lvl 10 bp and cant even give me back my lvl 0 so i can enchant it to lvl 7. So lame
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards Yep, I finished the event with over 12K dew, so I got the maxed out breastplate, and a min stats breastplate - now they've both gone, this sucks devs.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards I told you noobs this was an issue Just like Fyber offering "Free" Nobility
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards Now that you've taken the gear and caused a massive mess, the next event should be an event where the newer players can ACTUALLY get a full set of decent gear.
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards Took it all back ? I spent an extra 50$ I n this event pushing for the chest plate wtf
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards You all do realize complaining doesn't speed up the process? It just makes things more difficult for them lel
Re: [KNOWN ISSUE] Preview Box Rewards I now no longer have any leg equipment at all from the event.. Which is what I should have.